
and the truth中文什么意思

发音:   用"and the truth"造句
  • 事实上
  • truth:    n. (pl. truths ) 1.真理;真实;真相, ...
  • as truth:    作为真理的性
  • in truth:    实际上,的确; 事实上, 的确; 事实上,的确; 事实上,实际上,的确
  • of a truth:    事实上, 的确
  • of truth:    真理
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Just understand love rejoices in the truth and the truth is
  2. And the truth is i ' ll never know unless i ask him
  3. The lie lays at the truth and the truth must lay at the lie
  4. And the truth is , i don ' t have anybody
  5. And the truth is that billy ray pope


        truth:    n. (pl. truths ) 1.真理;真实;真相, ...
        as truth:    作为真理的性
        in truth:    实际上,的确; 事实上, 的确; 事实上,的确; 事实上,实际上,的确
        of a truth:    事实上, 的确
        of truth:    真理
        the truth:    法内情; 实话实说
        the will to truth:    求真意志
        there’s no truth in it:    没有一丝一毫是真的
        truth:    n. (pl. truths ) 1.真理;真实;真相,事实 (opp. lie)。 2.真实性。 3.诚实,老实。 4.(机械的)精确度。 To seek truth from facts. 实事求是。 There is no truth in him. 那家伙一点也不老实。 T- is [lies] at the bottom of a well. 真理潜伏在井底(极难发现)。 home truths 关于自己的逆耳之言。 truth to life [nature] 逼真。 in truth =〔古语〕 of a truth 真正,实在;说实在话,老实说。 out of truth (机器)安装得有毛病。 The truth is that .... 实际是…。 tell [speak] the truth 说实话。 to tell the truth =truth to tell 实际是,说实在话。
        truth the:    真理
        beauty is truth truth beauty:    但金钱更有权威; 美丽是有力量的
        realization to truth; awakening to truth:    禅悟
        - the truth of troy:    特洛伊真相
        a grain of truth:    一点儿可信的东西; 一丝真理
        a home truth:    老生常谈, 令人难堪的事实, 逆耳的老实话; 情海风波
        a plain truth:    浅显的道理
        a profound truth:    深奥的哲理
        a simple truth:    粗浅的道理
        abstract truth:    抽象真理
        age of truth:    真理时代报
        aposterior truth:    经验的真理
        apriori truth:    先天的真理
        ark of truth:    真理之舟
        arrive at the truth:    获知真相, 明白底细
        awful truth:    说谎世界


  1. and the three men i admire most- 什么意思
  2. and the times we had, baby 什么意思
  3. and the times when you got tough 什么意思
  4. and the touch of the breeze 什么意思
  5. and the true love of his life 什么意思
  6. and the truth you know 什么意思
  7. and the use of indexed variables 什么意思
  8. and the violence caused such silence 什么意思
  9. and the violence caused such silence -- 什么意思
  10. and the violins stopped playing 什么意思


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